Guests: 2 to 4
Flight Distance: 20 miles, 9 minutes
Fly-in/Out Days: Friday to Friday
Fish Species: Walleye, Northern Pike
Lake Size: 166 acres, extremely small
Shoreline: 4.3 miles (7 km)
Portage Lakes: None
Other Camps on Lake: No
Camp Description
The Lake is 1 – 2 miles long and 1/4 mile across. It has 3 other lakes with boats & motors and a canoe for excellent Walleye and Northern Pike fishing. It has a number of bays and islands. The cabin is set on a rocky point with exceptional rock outcrops. A perfect Walleye habitat. The lake is ideal for parties that like to explore and see portage lakes. The cabin has one main room with 2 sets of bunkbeds and a screened in porch.
Portage Lakes
Camp Amenities: