Guests: 4 to 6
Flight Distance: 33 miles, 14 minutes
Fly-in/Out Days: Any
Fish Species: Walleye, Northern Pike, Smallmouth Bass
Lake Size: 2,069 acres, above average
Shoreline: 49 miles (79 km)
Portage Lakes: Moose Lake, Little Rex Lake
Other Camps on Lake: No
Rex Lake lies in a basin of sedimentary rock, which makes it an ideal habitat for crayfish. Where crayfish are abundant, so are smallmouth bass, and Rex Lake has some of the largest, healthiest smallmouth bass in Canada. “If you’ve ever wanted to add a trophy bass to your list,” says Gene Halley, “this is the place to do it.”
The three-bedroom cabin on Rex Lake is built of logs harvested from the area. Built in 1999, this cabin is modeled after our other outposts, with front walls filled with windows offering the incredible views that all our camps are known for.
While you’re bound to catchy trophy smallmouth bass and northern pike at Rex, there’s a lot of potential for side trips. Only 2 portages away, Little Rex is famous for its walleye fishing, and you’ll probably want to take a few of the smaller ones back for a feast on the deck of the cabin. The northern pikes at Moose Lake will keep your lines busy all day.